10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
IMS Medallion Lecture (Laurent Saloff-Coste)
Gambler's ruin problems
Laurent Saloff-Coste (Cornell University)
For this lecture, our starting point is a fair game of this sort involving three players, A, B, and C, holding a total on N tokens. That's already quite interesting. More generally, I will discuss techniques that allow us to understand the behavior of certain finite Markov chains before the time the chain is absorbed at a given boundary. This is based on joint work with Persi Diaconis and Kelsey Houston-Edwards.
Session Chair
Qi-Man Shao (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
IMS Medallion Lecture (Elchanan Mossel)
Simplicity and complexity of belief-propagation
Elchanan Mossel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Session Chair
Krzysztof Burdzy (University of Washington)
Mathematical Population Genetics and Computational Statistics (Organizer: Paul Jenkins)
Mapping genetic ancestors
Graham Coop (University of California at Davis)
Cellular point processes: quantifying cell signaling
Barbara Engelhardt (Princeton University)
Fitting stochastic epidemic models to gene genealogies using linear noise approximation
Vladimir Minin (University of California, Irvine)
The second class of methods provides estimates of important epidemiological parameters, such as infection and removal/recovery rates, but ignores variation in the dynamics of infectious disease spread. The third class of methods is the most advantageous statistically, but relies on computationally intensive particle filtering techniques that limits its applications. We propose a Bayesian model that combines phylodynamic inference and stochastic epidemic models, and achieves computational tractability by using a linear noise approximation (LNA) --- a technique that allows us to approximate probability densities of stochastic epidemic model trajectories. LNA opens the door for using modern Markov chain Monte Carlo tools to approximate the joint posterior distribution of the disease transmission parameters and of high dimensional vectors describing unobserved changes in the stochastic epidemic model compartment sizes (e.g., numbers of infectious and susceptible individuals). We illustrate our new method by applying it to Ebola genealogies estimated using viral genetic data from the 2014 epidemic in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Q&A for Invited Session 04
Session Chair
Paul Jenkins (University of Warwick)
Deep Learning (Organizer: Johannes Schmidt-Hieber)
Dynamics and phase transitions in deep neural networks
Yasaman Bahri (Google Research)
Theoretical understanding of adding noises to deep generative models
Yongdai Kim (Seoul National University)
Adversarial examples in random deep networks
Peter Bartlett (University of California at Berkeley)
Joint work with Sébastien Bubeck and Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri
Q&A for Invited Session 18
Session Chair
Johannes Schmidt-Hieber (University of Twente)
Anomalous Diffusions and Related Topics (Organizer: Zhen-Qing Chen)
Lp-Kato class measures for symmetric Markov processes under heat kernel estimates
Kazuhiro Kuwae (Fukuoka University)
Green function estimates and Boundary Harnack principles for non-local operators whose kernels degenerate at the boundary
Panki Kim (Seoul National University)
Heat kernel upper bounds for symmetric Markov semigroups
Jian Wang (Fujian Normal University )
Inverse local time of one-dimensional diffusions and its comparison theorem
Lidan Wang (Nankai University)
Archimedes' principle for ideal gas
Krzysztof Burdzy (University of Washington)
Joint work with Jacek Malecki
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 07
Session Chair
Zhen-Qing Chen (University of Washington)
The Advances in Time Series and Spatial Statistics (Organizer: Wei-Ying Wu)
Interpretable, predictive spatio-temporal models via enhanced pairwise directions estimation
ShengLi Tzeng (National Sun Yat-sen University)
Model selection with a nested spatial correlation structure
Chun-Shu Chen (National Central University)
Consistent order selection for ARFIMA models
Kun Chen (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Whittle likelihood for irregularly spaced spatial data
Soutir Bandyopadhyay (Colorado School of Mines)
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 17
Session Chair
Wei-Ying Wu (National Dong Hwa University)
Advanced Statistical Methods for Complex Data (Organizer: Jongho Im)
On the verifiable identification condition in NMAR missing data analysis
Kosuke Morikawa (Osaka University and The University of Tokyo)
Bayesian hierarchical spatial model for small-area estimation with non-ignorable nonresponses and its application to the NHANES dental caries data
Ick Hoon Jin (Yonsei University)
Raking-based relabeling classification method for highly imbalanced data
Seunghwan Park (Kangwon National University)
Imputation approach for outcome dependent sampling design
Jongho Im (Yonsei University)
nonparametrically estimated and then a Bayesian bootstrap method is used to generate imputed values. The proposed method employs Rubin's variance formula for variance estimation of imputation estimators. A limited simulation study shows that the proposed method performs well and is comparable to the previous methods.
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 24
Session Chair
Seung Hwan Park (Kangwon National University)
Time Series Analysis II
Robust Bayesian analysis of multivariate time series
Yixuan Liu (The University of Auckland)
Posterior consistency for the spectral density of non-Gaussian stationary time series
Yifu Tang (The University of Auckland)
ARMA models for zero inflated count time series
Vurukonda Sathish (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Time-series data clustering via thick pen transformation
Minji Kim (Seoul National University)
Q&A for Contributed Session 25
Session Chair
Joungyoun Kim (Yonsei University)
Poster Session I-1
GMOTE: Gaussian-based minority oversampling technique for imbalanced classification adapting tail probability of outliers
Seung Jee Yang (Hanyang University)
Exact inference for an exponential parameter under generalized progressive type II hybrid censored competing risk data
Subin Cho (Daegu University)
Meta-analysis methods for multiple related markers: applications to microbiome studies with the results on multiple $\alpha$-diversity indices
Hyunwook Koh (The State University of New York, Korea)
Estimation for a nonlinear regression model with non-zero mean errors and an application to a biomechanical model
Hojun You (Seoul National University)
Neural network-based clustering for ischemic stroke patients
Su Hoon Choi (Chonnam National University)
Principal component analysis of amplitude and phase variation in multivariate functional data
Soobin Kim (Seoul National University)
Clustering non-stationary advanced metering infrastructure data
Donghyun Kang (Chung-Ang University)
Levy Lecture (Massimiliano Gubinelli)
A variational method for Euclidean quantum fields
Massimiliano Gubinelli (University of Bonn)
Session Chair
Martin Hairer (Imperial College London)
Doob Lecture (Nicolas Curien)
Parking on Cayley trees and Frozen Erdös-Rényi
Nicolas Curien (Paris-Saclay University)
Based on joint work with Alice Contat
Session Chair
Wendelin Werner (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich)
Bootstrap for High-dimensional Data (Organizer: Kengo Kato)
Inference for nonlinear inverse problems
Vladimir Spokoinyi (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics and Humboldt University of Berlin)
Change point analysis for high-dimensional data
Xiaohui Chen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Bootstrap test for multi-scale lead-lag relationships in high-frequency data
Yuta Koike (University of Tokyo)
Q&A for Invited Session 16
Session Chair
Kengo Kato (Cornell University)
Random Matrices and Related Fields (Organizer: Manjunath Krishnapur)
The scaling limit of the characteristic polynomial of a random matrix at the spectral edge
Elliot Paquette (McGill University)
Strong asymptotics of planar orthogonal polynomials: Gaussian weight perturbed by finite number of point charges
Seung Yeop Lee (University of South Florida)
Secular coefficients and the holomorphic multiplicative chaos
Joseph Najnudel (University of Bristol)
Q&A for Invited Session 27
Session Chair
Ji Oon Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))
Statistical Inference for Graphs and Networks (Organizer: Betsy Ogburn)
A goodness-of-fit test for exponential random graphs
Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford)
This talk is based on joint work with Nathan Ross and with Wenkai Xu.
Networks in the presence of informative community structure
Alexander Volfovsky (Duke University)
Motif estimation via subgraph sampling: the fourth-moment phenomenon
Bhaswar Bhattacharya (University of Pennsylvania)
Q&A for Invited Session 28
Session Chair
Betsy Ogburn (Johns Hopkins University)
Information Theory and Concentration Inequalities (Organizer: Chandra Nair)
Algorithmic optimal transport in Euclidean spaces
Salman Beigi (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM))
This talk is based on a joint work with Omid Etesami and Amin Gohari.
Entropy bounds for discrete log-concave distributions
Sergey Bobkov (University of Minnesota)
The talk is based on a joint work with Arnaud Marsiglietti and James Melbourne.
Entropy and convex geometry
Tomasz Tkocz (Carnegie Mellon University)
(Based mainly on joint works with Ball, Madiman, Melbourne, Nayar.)
Q&A for Invited Session 31
Session Chair
Chandra Nair (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Recent Developments for Dependent Data (Organizer: Mikyoung Jun)
DeepKriging: spatially dependent deep neural networks for spatial prediction
Ying Sun (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST))
A model-free subsampling method based on minimum energy criterion
Wenlin Dai (Renmin University of China)
Global wind modeling with transformed Gaussian processes
Jaehong Jeong (Hanyang University)
Threshold estimation for continuous three-phase polynomial regression models with constant mean in the middle regime
Chih-Hao Chang (National University of Kaohsiung)
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 12
Session Chair
Mikyoung Jun (University of Houston)
Non-Euclidean Statistical Inference (Organizer: Young Kyung Lee)
Functional linear regression model with randomly censored data: predicting conversion time to Alzheimer's disease
Seong Jun Yang (Jeonbuk National University)
Deconvolution estimation on hyperspheres
Jeong Min Jeon (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Confidence band for persistent homology of KDEs
Jisu Kim (Inria)
Analysis of chemical-gene bipartite network via a user-based collaborative filtering method incorporating chemical structure information
Namgil Lee (Kangwon National University)
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 16
Session Chair
Young Kyung Lee (Kangwon National University)
Financial Mathematics and Probabilistic Modeling
Solving the selection-recombination equation: ancestral lines and duality
Frederic Alberti (Bielefeld University)
We consider the case of an arbitrary number of neutral loci, linked to a single selected locus. In this setting, we investigate how the (random) genealogical structure of the problem can be succinctly encoded by a novel `ancestral initiation graph', and how it gives rise to a recursive integral representation of the solution with a clear, probabilistic interpretation.
-F. Alberti and E. Baake, Solving the selection-recombination equation: Ancestral lines under selection and recombination, https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06831
-F. Alberti, E. Baake and C. Herrmann, Selection, recombination, and the ancestral initiation graph, https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.10080
Short time asymptotics for modulated rough stochastic volatility models
Barbara Pacchiarotti (Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata")
How to detect a salami slicer: a stochastic controller-stopper game with unknown competition
Kristoffer Lindensjö (Stockholm University)
Q&A for Contributed Session 02
Session Chair
Hyungbin Park (Seoul National University)
SDEs and Fractional Brownian Motions
Weak rough-path type solutions for singular Lévy SDEs
Helena Katharina Kremp (Freie Universität Berlin)
Functional limit theorems for approximating irregular SDEs, general diffusions and their exit times
Mikhail Urusov (University of Duisburg-Essen)
(1) A functional limit theorem (FLT) for weak approximation of the paths of arbitrary continuous Markov processes;
(2) An FLT for weak approximation of the paths and exit times.
The second FLT has a stronger conclusion but requires a stronger assumption, which is essential. We propose a new scheme, called EMCEL, which satisfies the assumption of the second FLT and thus allows to approximate every one-dimensional continuous Markov process together with its exit times. The approach is illustrated by a couple of examples with peculiar behavior, including an irregular SDE, for which the corresponding Euler scheme does not converge even weakly, a sticky Brownian motion and a Brownian motion slowed down on the Cantor set.
This is a joint work with Stefan Ankirchner and Thomas Kruse.
Q&A for Contributed Session 07
Session Chair
Ildoo Kim (Korea University)
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Simulated Annealing-Backpropagation Algorithm on Parallel Trained Maxout Networks (SABPMAX) in detecting credit card fraud
Sheila Mae Golingay (University of the Philippines-Diliman)
The smoking gun: statistical theory improves neural network estimates
Sophie Langer (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Stochastic block model for multiple networks
Tabea Rebafka (Sorbonne Université)
Deep neural networks for faster nonparametric regression models
Mehmet Ali Kaygusuz (The Middle East Technical University)
[1] Bauer, B and Kohler,M, “On deep learning as a remedy for the curse of dimensionality in nonparametric regression”, The Annals of Statistics, 47(4), 2019, 2261-2285.
[2] Efron,B, "Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife" the Annals of Statistics,7(1):1-26,1979
[3] Hamparsum Bozdogan. “Model selection and Akaike’s information criterion (AIC): The general theory and its analytical extensions”. In: Psychometrika 52.3 (1987), pp. 345–370.
[4] Sen,B, Banerjee, M and Woodroofe,M., “In-cosistency of bootstrap: The Grenander estimator ”, The Annals of Statistics,38(4),2010,1953-1977.
[5] Schmidt-Hieber, J., “Nonparametric regression using deep neural networks with ReLu activation function”, The Annals of Statistics, 48(4), 2020, 1875-1897.
Generative model for fbm with deep ReLU neural networks
Michael Allouche (Ecole Polytechnique)
Q&A for Contributed Session 28
Session Chair
Jong-June Jeon (University of Seoul)
Poster Session I-2
Geometrically Adapted Langevin Algorithm (GALA) for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations
Mariya Mamajiwala (University College London)
Bayes estimation for the Weibull distribution under generalized adaptive hybrid progressive censored competing risks data
Yeongjae Seong (Daegu University)
Large deviations of mean-field interacting particle systems in a fast varying environment
Sarath Yasodharan (Indian Institute of Science)
Stochastic homogenisation of Gaussian fields
Leandro Chiarini (Utrecht University)
Concentration inequality for U-statistics for uniformly ergodic Markov chains, and applications
Quentin Duchemin (Université Gustave Eiffel)
A Bayesian illness-death model to approach the incidence of recurrent hip fracture and death in elderly patients
Fran Llopis-Cardona (Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region (FISABIO))
The contact process with two types of particles and priority: metastability and convergence in infinite volume
Mariela Pentón Machado (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo)
A nonparametric instrumental approach to endogeneity in competing risks models
Jad Beyhum (ORSTAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Scaling Limits of Disordered Systems and Disorder Relevance (Organizer: Rongfeng Sun)
Exceptional geodesic pairs in the directed landscape
Erik Bates (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
This talk is based on joint work with Shirshendu Ganguly and Alan Hammond.
Disorder relevance and the continuum random field Ising model
Adam Bowditch (University College Dublin)
A CLT for KPZ on torus
Yu Gu (Carnegie Mellon University)
Q&A for Invited Session 02
Session Chair
Rongfeng Sun (National University of Singapore)
High-dimensional Robustness (Organizer: Stanislav Minsker)
Distribution-free robust linear regression
Nikita Zhivotovskiy (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich)
Algorithmic high-dimensional robust statistics
Ilias Diaconicolas (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Robust estimation of a mean vector with respect to any norm : a minimax MOM and a Stahel-Donoho Median of means estimators
Guillaume Lecué (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST))
Q&A for Invited Session 07
Session Chair
Stanislav Minsker (University of Southern California)
Functional Data Analysis (Organizer: Aurore Delaigle)
Partially specified covariance operators and intrinsically functional graphical models
Victor Panaretos (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
Based on joint work with K. Waghmare (EPFL).
Domain selection for functional linear models: a dynamic RKHS approach
Jane-Ling Wang (University of California at Davis)
Simultaneous Inference for function-valued parameters: A fast and fair approach
Dominik Liebl (University of Bonn)
Q&A for Invited Session 08
Session Chair
Yunjin Choi (University of Seoul)
Statistical Learning (Organizer: Yichao Wu)
Equivariant Variance Estimation for Multiple Change-point Model
Ning Hao (University of Arizona)
A forward approach for sufficient dimension reduction in binary classification
Seung Jun Shin (Korea University)
Variable Selection for Global Fréchet Regression
Danielle Tucker (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Q&A for Invited Session 32
Session Chair
Yichao Wu (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Bernoulli Paper Prize Session (Organizer: Bernoulli Society)
Bernoulli Prize for an outstanding survey article in Probability: From infinite random matrices over finite fields to square ice
Leonid Petrov (University of Virginia)
(Chair: Ofer Zeitouni)
Bernoulli Journal Read Paper Award: A general frequency domain method for assessing spatial covariance structures
Soutir Bandyopadhyay (Colorado School of Mines)
(Chair: Richard Samworth)
Q&A for Invited Session 41
Session Chair
Ofer Zeitouni (Weizmann Institute of Science) / Richard Samworth (University of Cambridge)
Theoretical Analysis of Random Walks, Random Graphs and Clustering (Organizer: Ji Oon Lee)
Spectral large deviations for sparse random matrices
Kyeongsik Nam (University of California, Los Angeles)
Robust hypergraph clustering via convex relaxation of truncated MLE
Hye Won Chung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))
Convergence rate to the Tracy-Widom laws for the largest eigenvalue of Wigner matrices
Kevin Schnelli (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Attributed graph alignment
Lele Wang (University of British Columbia)
This is joint work with Ning Zhang and Weina Wang.
Minkowski content for the scaling limit of loop-erased random walk in three dimensions
Xinyi Li (Peking University)
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 06
Session Chair
Ji Oon Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))
Recent Advances in Complex Time Series Analysis (Organizer: Haeran Cho)
Change points detection for high dimensional time series
Likai Chen (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Asymptotics of large autocovariance matrices
Monika Bhattacharjee (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Factor models for matrix-valued high-dimensional time series
Xialu Liu (San Diego State University)
Multi-level changepoint inference for periodic data sequences
Anastasia Ushakova (Lancaster University)
Q&A for Organized Contributed Session 13
Session Chair
Haeran Cho (University of Bristol)
Reflecting Diffusion Processes, Stochastic Networks and Their Applications (Organizer: Amber Puha)
Measure valued processes characterized by a field of reflecting Brownian motions arising from certain queuing problems
Amarjit Budhiraja (University of North Carolina)
This is joint work with Sayan Banerjee and Amber Puha.
Asymptotic behavior of a critical fluid model for bandwidth sharing with general file size distributions
Yingjia Fu (University of California San Diego)