The 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2020)

Session Keynote-4

Keynote 4

4:00 PM — 5:15 PM EEST
Jun 18 Thu, 8:00 AM — 9:15 AM CDT

Resource allocation in LoRaWAN networks: design challenges and experimental results

Ilenia Tinnirello (University of Palermo)

LoRaWAN is a promising solution for large-scale ultra low power IoT deployments, based on a very robust physical layer modulation, called LoRa, patented by Semtech. Even if the technology itself is quite mature and specified, the currently deployed wireless resource allocation strategies are still coarse and based on rough heuristics. In this talk, we present some peculiar characteristics of LoRa modulation, corroborated by experimental results, which make the resource allocation problem quite original and still prone to significant improvements. In particular, we discuss interference rejection capabilities and capture effects in LoRa modulations when using different Spreading Factors, as well as their implication for optimizing the system capacity. By means of a simple single-cell and multi-cell system model, we derive some conditions on the optimal allocations of Spreading Factors and propose an innovative “sequential waterfilling” strategy for assigning Spreading Factors to End-Devices (ED) in real network deployments. While retaining an extremely simple and scalable implementation, this strategy yields a significant improvement (up to 38%) in the network capacity over the Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) used by many network operators on the basis of the design suggested by the LoRa Alliance, and appears to be extremely robust to different operating/load conditions and network topology configurations.

Session Chair

Thanasis Korakis (University of Thessaly)

Session Keynote-5

Keynote 5 (SPASWIN keynote)

5:30 PM — 6:45 PM EEST
Jun 18 Thu, 9:30 AM — 10:45 AM CDT

Stochastic Analysis of Wireless Networks based on Vehicular Gateways

Francois Baccelli (University of Texas at Austin)

This presentation will be focused on the capacity gains obtained when using vehicles as mobile gateways to enable large-scale connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT) like applications. Two types of delay tolerant architectures will be discussed and analyzed using techniques of stochastic geometry, queuing theory, and wireless networking.

Session Chair

Udo Schilcher, University of Klagenfurt

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