Opening and Keynote

Session Opening

Opening Ceremony

8:30 AM — 9:00 AM CST
Aug 9 Sun, 5:30 PM — 6:00 PM PDT

Opening Ceremony

Yanchuan Zhang (Secretary General, CIC); Xinbo Gao (President, CQUPT); Vicent Chan (President, IEEE ComSoc); Nei Kato (General Chair lead); Sherman Shen (Awarder)

Welcome messages from CIC, CQUPT, IEEE ComSoc; Conference overview; Best paper awards for China Communications.

Session Chair

Qianbin Chen

Session Keynote-1

Keynote 1

9:00 AM — 12:00 PM CST
Aug 9 Sun, 6:00 PM — 9:00 PM PDT

Empowering 5G Cellular Connectivity Through Intelligent Edge Computing and Aerial Support

Abbas Jamalipour (Univesity of Sydney, Australia)

Fifth Generation Cellular Networks (5G) is gradually being implemented around the world, while at the same time research on the next generation or 6G has already been started. Although it would take some time before we get the full picture of credibility of 5G, researchers already know that it would suffer from a range of shortcoming with the introduction of new applications and thus; the need for work on its successor 6G. What we know and expect at this time is that we still need to make users closer to the network edges, thus the inclusion of edge computing; and that we need more autonomous and intelligent techniques in the form of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence. At the same time, we know that terrestrial network components will have fundamentally physical limitations in providing coverage and accessibility needed in future networks. That would bring the involvement of more of aerial support including drones and low earth orbit satellites. This talk will provide some visionary concepts of the future mobile networks that contemplate edge computing and aerial support using results from some existing intelligent techniques.

Match-Making for Massive MIMO and Deep Learning

Zhi Ding (University of California at Davis, US)

The proliferation of advanced wireless services, such as virtual reality, autonomous driving and internet of things has generated increasingly intense pressure to develop intelligent wireless communication systems to meet networking needs posed by extremely high data rates, massive number of connected devices, and ultra low latency. Deep learning (DL) has been recently emerged as an exciting design tool to advance the development of wireless communication system with some demonstrated successes. In this talk, we introduce the principles of applying DL for improving wireless network performance by integrating the underlying characteristics of channels in practical massive MIMO deployment. We develop important insights derived from the physical RF channel properties and present a comprehensive overview on the application of DL for accurately estimating channel state information (CSI) of forward channels with low feedback overhead. We provide examples of successful DL application in CSI estimation for massive MIMO wireless systems and highlight several promising directions for future research.

From Shannon Theory to Future 6G’s Technique Potentials

Xiaohu You (Southeast University, China)

From the perspective of Shannon theory and its extensions, this talk is devoted to evaluating the technique potentials of future 6G mobile communication system. Firstly, the classic Shannon theory framework, including performance tradeoff between block-length, data rate and reliability, is briefly summarized, and the limitations of its application in the contemporary mobile communication system are addressed. Secondly, the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) extension of the classic Shannon theory is described, which has been playing the fundamental roles in the development of contemporary mobile communication systems. Furthermore, aiming at higher spectrum efficiency and power efficiency, higher reliability and lower latency, and higher frequency band, which are essential indicators of future 6G, the technique potentials are discussed theoretically from the perspective of Shannon theory framework. It reveals that by introducing more antennas together with the innovation of cell free network architecture, and by making effective balance between block length, error probability, data rate, and minimum number of antennas, future 6G technology still has great potential to be improved, but it needs both to make a compromise between system performance and deployment cost, and to carefully make use of the special features of MIMO channels in higher frequency band. Finally, several fundamental issues related to future 6G development are summarized.

Session Chair

Song Guo

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