10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
Plenary Lectures
IMS Presidential Address
IMS Presidential Address
Regina Liu (Rutgers University), Susan Murphy (Harvard University)
Session Chair
Siva Athreya (Indian Statistical Institute) / Hee-Seok Oh (Seoul National University)
Wald Lecture 1 (Martin Barlow)
Random walks and fractal graphs
Martin Barlow (University of British Columbia)
I will review de Gennes' questions. Since random fractals are hard, a first step was to look at deterministic exact fractals, and the graphs that can be associated naturally with them. The simplest of these is the Sierpinski gasket graph (SGG), and I will start with this example. Early work in this area used direct probabilistic methods, which were often very specific to the particular graph. The search for a more robust theory leads one to look for more flexible tools, of which the first is given by the connection, between random walks and electrical networks.
Session Chair
Takashi Kumagai (Kyoto University)
Bernoulli Lecture (Allison Etheridge)
Some models of spatially distributed populations: the effect of crowding
Alison Etheridge (University of Oxford)
As time permits, we will touch on work with lots of people including Tom Kurtz (Madison), Peter Ralph (Oregon), Ian Letter, Aaron Smith, and Terence Tsui (all Oxford).
Session Chair
Ellen Baake (Bielefeld University)