The 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2020)
The 15th Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks (RAWNET)
RAWNET Session
Invariant Nash Equilibrium for Large Player Games in Multiple Access Channels
Prashant Narayanan and Lakshmi Narasimhan Theagarajan Department of EE, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, Kerala 678557
You Snooze, You Lose: Minimizing Channel-Aware Age of Information
Bhishma Dedhia and Sharayu Moharir Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Joint Downlink Power Control and Channel Allocation based on a Partial View of Future Channel Conditions
T. T. Nga Nguyen (Continental Digital Services France, LAAS-CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France), Olivier Brun (LAAS-CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France) and Balakrishna J. Prabhu (LAAS-CNRS, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France)
Mobile Data Offloading with Flexible Pricing
M. Sushma and K. P. Naveen Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, India.
Optimal Blind and Adaptive Fog Orchestration under Local Processor Sharing
Francesco De Pellegrini, Francescomaria Faticanti, Mandar Datar, Eitan Altman and Domenico Siracusa
Distributed Hypothesis Testing with Variable-Length Coding
Sadaf Salehkalaibar and Michele Wigger
Session Chair
Not Needed — Asynchronous Q&A throughout the conference
Semantic Communications: a Paradigm Shift in Networked Intelligent Systems
Marios Kountouris (Dept. of Communications Systems EURECOM Sophia Antipolis, France)
Session Chair
Alex Dytso - Princeton University, Samson Lasaulce – CNRS and Samir M. Perlaza - Inria
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